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More Than Just Yourself


Updated: Apr 3, 2023

When you wake up each morning alive you are living for you, God, your ancestors, and any person or living thing you come into contact with. You help orchestrate the moments of the entire universe. You matter.

You're living for more than just yourself. I think we as humans think about ourselves more than we realize. When there's donations being asked for we first think of ourselves and our financial siutation while decideing if we want to donate or how much we do. We may think the same way when paying the tip of a service as well. But there isn't anything wrong with strategizing our comfort first. But have you ever realized that we are living beyond just ouselves. What I mean is our lives each individuals and our choices isn't just for our own benefit. You see God didn't just make you and send you on your way. His gift was also for you to life for Him as well. He gave you the gift of life use it for Him as well. Make decisions with Him in mind. You're sharing the gift of your life. If you've gotten to point in your life where you're challenged with depression and you don't have many reasons to get out of bed and go live remember you are living for more than just yourself. You are living for God the giftgiver of your life. You are also living for every person or thing you come into contact with. Any person you walk past on the street that you're able to smile and wave to that in itself can safe a life that can spread goodness and positiety. The flowers that bloom before you need to have someone notice them so they can contineu to grow. You're living for your future family your future children or future partner. You're living for your ancestors who gave you a life where you are. Please remember that you should never feel guilty if you are confused about life and not knowing how to get out of bed each day. Do not feel guilt. Instead feel support that when you do rise from your bed you are living for not just yourself but also everyone around you and our almighty God.


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