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Is not getting a sign a Sign?


Sometimes in life, we ask God to send us a sign for a tough decision we’re trying to make. But when God doesn’t send us what we’ve asked, is it a sign in itself?

Trust me it’s not signs inception. But not receiving a sign is still a sign. A few years ago, during the midst of the pandemic, the family was considering rescuing a dog. We had teased the idea for years and since our last family pet passed away over a decade ago the time felt right. We had so much love to give but we were conflicted if this was the right choice for us. Naturally, I asked God for a sign if we should or should not rescue a dog. Nakota had also done the same asking for her own signs. But as the hours passed after our visit with Nash, a corgi we had visited in his foster home, I didn’t see any sign appear for a yes or no. The family had made a pros and cons list but deep down I was hoping to see a sign. The hour to make the decision for the agency was drawing near and there still wasn’t a sign given. That’s when I realized, what if no sign is a sign in itself? God has the absolute power in the universe to control everything and everything is perfectly orchestrated. God also wants us to rely on them but I have always known that God doesn’t baby us. I believe there are times in life when God “falls silent” wanting and supporting us to make our own decisions. There is no right or wrong answer in these situations. With no sign given, I had to do ultimately what I wanted and that was to rescue Nash. With luck every other family member felt the same and we were able to adopt him. After three years we are so grateful for the love we give Nash and the love we get from him in return. If your sign is not given, take a deep breath and make a choice because God is trusting in you to choose your next path in life.


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